To find out if your cat loves you is quite easy and you don't need to make any special efforts, just observe her behavior for a week or two.

Sleeps together or near you

In sleep, cats, like all other animals, are most vulnerable, so they prefer to sleep where no one and nothing can harm them. If a cat lies down to sleep near you, it means she is sure that you will not harm her and being with you she is completely safe.

Follows you everywhere

If a cat walks around the house or apartment following you everywhere, literally chasing you and not leaving you alone for a minute, it means you are so dear to her that she is afraid of losing sight of you even in her own home.

It is well known that cats are extremely independent animals and are not distinguished by strong loyalty like dogs. But if a cat really loves her owner, her attachment and obsession can even surpass that of a dog.

Climbs onto your lap and kneads with front paws

The fact is that this habit in cats comes from childhood. Kittens climb onto their cat mother's belly and knead it with their front paws, thereby expressing their love. As they age, this habit may pass for some cats, while for others it remains for life.

Allows belly rubs

If a cat allows you to pet her belly or often demonstrates it to you, it means only one thing - she trusts you completely.

The belly is the most vulnerable spot for animals and cats as well. Afraid of enemies and ill-wishers, they instinctively hide it and certainly do not show it to those they do not trust. Demonstrating their open belly to their owner is a gesture of complete trust and sincere liking.

Lies down or sits close to you

Cats do not like the touch of strangers and try to avoid it, but they themselves cuddle up to people they feel sympathy for and try to sit or lie as close as possible to their object of love.