When acquiring a pet, specifically a cat, people often do not think about how to keep them entertained. Oftentimes, the animal is left to its own devices in the house. The owner does not worry about what the cat will do in their absence.

However, there are times when some mischievous behavior of the animal does not sit well with its owner. And then the question may arise of relocating the cat outdoors or even giving it to another owner through an online ad. These are extreme measures, and we are more inclined to forgive all the antics of our beloved pets!

In today's post, I want to talk about the favorite activities of our furry friends. And what alternative we can offer them instead of unworthy behavior.

1. Furniture Damage

Out of boredom or fear, cats start playing with objects in their living area. "Hot spots" in the house usually include: sofas with soft or leather upholstery, wooden chairs, doors, baseboards, tables. Unfortunately, even decorative items can suffer. The cat doesn't care!

Every day, it tears them apart, ignoring the owner's angry cries. And requests to stop.

To distract the cat from this activity, a scratching post can be used, on which a special attracting spray should be applied, and a deterring spray applied to other items. It's simple!

But sometimes there may not be the means to purchase a specialized scratching post. What to do? You can use folk wisdom and try to replace it with, for example, a couple of cardboard boxes. They may be even more to the cat's liking than store-bought toys.

2. Food Theft

Cats are natural hunters and they enjoy hunting for food. Since you are unlikely to find mice in your apartment, the hunting zone becomes the dining table, the refrigerator, or even the stove with cooking dishes.

Why does this happen? The owner is to blame, who often feeds the animal from their own table during meals, thereby developing this persistent and harmful habit.

This can be eradicated, but it is not done quickly. You need to be patient and vigilant. The cat must learn the new rules of the house.

1. All plates and pots with food should be kept in a secluded place where the animal cannot jump.

2. Feed the pet in the same place every time.

3. And of course, do not forget to reward good behavior with treats.

3. Going Outside the Litter Box

At first, or at one fine moment, your pet suddenly stops using the litter box in the designated place. And puddles and surprises start appearing everywhere, up to the slippers and the bed. The owner is panicking, what happened to their friend?

Is it worth putting up with this inconvenience? Everyone decides this on their own. But most likely, the reason for this is revenge! Think about how you could have upset your pet.

The first reason is the owner's unwillingness to clean the litter box in a timely manner. The cat does not like to use a dirty litter box, so it seeks cleaner spots.

Another reason is moving the litter box to a different location, which the cat may not have liked. The animal does not agree with your choice!

Experiment with the placement, appearance of the litter box (do not use a closed one), and the filler. Clay is better to use for training.